KONELINE: our land beautiful

koneline imageRPIRG is proud to be the community partner for the upcoming documentary screening of KONELINE: our land beautiful. Watch the trailer HERE.

Date: April 21-27, 2017

Time: 1pm & 7pm

Location: Rainbow Cinemas, Regina


KONELINE: our land beautiful is a cinematic poem examining the land, the people, and the industry of northwest British Columbia in the face of the controversial expansion of mining. The film does not preach nor lecture, but rather finds poetry in every person – diamond driller or Tahltan elder. The story it tells is of the constant struggle to balance jobs and the environment.

This story from BC transcends the provincial boundaries, and speaks to all who exist in times of resource extraction and depletion of wilderness. KONELINE brings the viewer in to meet the people who face inexorable change cutting through the rhetorical roar of our times. It is turning heads and changing minds. Don’t miss it.

More information available on the website or the Facebook page. Please share with your networks.